Suicide Prevention Day at the Vermont State House: Creating Suicide Safe Pathways in Health Care

February 14, 2019:

Thank you to all who participated in Suicide Prevention Day at the Vermont State House on Thursday, February 14!

Great connections were made with Legislators –  and VT-SPC members and AFSP-VT advocates gained knowledge and skills around suicide prevention advocacy.  Highlights from the day:

  • State and health care leaders made commitments to creating suicide safe pathways in health care: The VT Blueprint for Health, Department of VT Health Access; OneCare VT; VT Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc.; the Agency of Human Services, and the Department of Mental Health.
  • The House Committee on Health Care heard testimony from VT-SPC, an overview of current VT suicide data, a survivor’s perspective, information on older Vermonters and suicide risk, as well as the issues around proper care for the mentally ill in emergency rooms.
  • VT-SPC members and AFSP advocates participated in training led by AFSP’s Area Director, Heather White, on effectively communicating with legislators. This prepared people for conversations with legislators over lunch.
  • Vermonters lost to suicide were honored with flowers passed out to legislators and a Suicide Prevention Resolution was adopted in the House Chamber highlighting VT-SPCs work around Zero Suicide.

Photos from the Day: