February 14, 2019:
Thank you to all who participated in Suicide Prevention Day at the Vermont State House on Thursday, February 14!
Great connections were made with Legislators – and VT-SPC members and AFSP-VT advocates gained knowledge and skills around suicide prevention advocacy. Highlights from the day:
- State and health care leaders made commitments to creating suicide safe pathways in health care: The VT Blueprint for Health, Department of VT Health Access; OneCare VT; VT Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc.; the Agency of Human Services, and the Department of Mental Health.
- The House Committee on Health Care heard testimony from VT-SPC, an overview of current VT suicide data, a survivor’s perspective, information on older Vermonters and suicide risk, as well as the issues around proper care for the mentally ill in emergency rooms.
- VT-SPC members and AFSP advocates participated in training led by AFSP’s Area Director, Heather White, on effectively communicating with legislators. This prepared people for conversations with legislators over lunch.
- Vermonters lost to suicide were honored with flowers passed out to legislators and a Suicide Prevention Resolution was adopted in the House Chamber highlighting VT-SPCs work around Zero Suicide.
Photos from the Day:
Representative Anne Donahue Handing Flowers to Legislators Testimony to Health Care Committee Sean Dillon, AFSP Advocate Sarah Squirrell, VT Dept. of Mental Health Beth Tanzman, VT Blueprint for Health Catherine Fulton, VPQHC Representative Emily Long and Jen Carr AHS Secretary Al Gobeille Lila and Terri from NKHS Reading of Resolution in House Chamber Students from St. Johnsbury Dr. Norman Ward, JoEllen Tarallo, and Sean Dillon JoEllen Tarallo, VT Suicide Prevention Center Julia Hampton and a Legislator