Umatter® YYA Program for 2018-19 concludes

The Umatter® YYA program for 2018-19 is complete. Overall, 12 schools and 68 youth participated and implemented Mental Health Wellness Community Action Projects in their schools. These projects included: mental health awareness week activities, an interactive play about healthy dating relationships,…

Reflections on AAS National Conference – 2019

This years AAS National Conference, (#aas2019) with a combination of plenary and break-out sessions, was a huge success thanks to the many presenters and participants who converged in Denver.  Thank you to the American Association of Suicidology for organizing this…

Child Mental Health Awareness Week – May 6-10, 2019

May is Child Mental Health Awareness Month.  The focus this year is suicide prevention.  Mental Health is the ability to identify, manage and regulate complex emotions.  Children and teens need adult support to help develop these skills and use them…

Zero Suicide Webinar Series

This series of six webinars was designed in 2019 for teams from health care, mental health organizations, primary care and hospitals interested in implementing Zero Suicide. The series prepared staff to oversee, lead or manage a Zero Suicide initiative. Each…