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VTSPC December 2022 Coalition Meeting Recap
Thank you all for your continued engagement in the Coalition. 47 people attended the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition (VTSPC) meeting that was held virtually on December 8, 2022.
Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Resources
Here is a list of all our resources currently listed online. Search or filter by category using the buttons All Coronavirus Featured Get Help Get Involved Grief Support Media Reporting Mental Health Partnership Report Resources Resources for Survivors Screening Suicide…
Vermont Suicide Prevention Center — VTSPC
Our Mission Our mission is to create communities of hope throughout Vermont in which schools, agencies and people of all ages are given the knowledge, attitudes, skills and resources to respond effectively to suicidal behavior. About VTSPC VERMONT SUICIDE PREVENTION…
Vermont Zero Suicide 2020 Project
The Vermont Department of Mental Health and the VT Suicide Prevention Center are committed to the ZERO SUICIDE framework for suicide prevention statewide.
Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition comprises over 70 active members across public, private, and non-profit sectors representing public health, health care, education, community, social services, state agencies, and people with lived experience.
Vermont Statistics on Suicide
Suicide statistics for Vermont by region, age, sex and education status 2001 - 2014.